Go * Mobile  Franchise .US    

 Marketing & Trade of all Go*Mobile Stuff (Park & Sell, Smart Home + More...)  


30 acres Country Site for  Parking + For Sale by Owners  

Subject Site is just in front of Intersection of Washington Ave & Hwy 69

which has more than 200,000. traffic count per day

Hwy 59 / 69 was proposed by House-Senate as one of major Transportation Highway.

Bird View of 30 acres Country Site Map

30 acres Subject Country Site is just next to Cleveland New School


Subject Country Site is Part of 480 acres coming new development in Cleveland, TX.

More Information is coming soon, please come back to see us.

* PS :  All info. are for Ref. only, subject to final confirmation.

Let us make a new Innovative idea come to life with new expectation, new technological transformations and advancement to the future to create a Historic Era of Electric Autos of the World. Making our Earth a Greener Healthier Future.

Lintel de Mexico a Mexican Base Company since 1990 and have started e-Autos marketing to USA and Latin Countries recently.  

We have been doing business in Latin America from Mexico for more than 30 years and like to start " e*Autos" located in Texas USA. We would like to Invite your Prestigious Company to Mexico for manufacturing Electrical Vehicle at low cost and thus enjoy a Federal Tax credit of up to 7600 UD$ benefits for selling in the USA in our “ e*Autos Expo Park ” Located at Cleveland, Texas, 300 acres property, right at Intersection of Washington Ave. & Interstate Highway I-69, A South-North Cross-Country Highway.

(Pic. Shown Below)

 We also offer Franchise for “e*Autos Expo Park” for further developments in your good Country.  

 In order to consider that possibility, we like to know your interest to be our partner.

We will be happy to share the related benefits with the industrial partners.


Products could be found in Go*Mobil  Park n Sell Country Site

We welcome Potential Franchisee to contact us as future partner!

More Information is coming soon, please come back to see us.

* PS :  All info. are for Ref. only, subject to final confirmation.