An Associated Development 0f 400 acres USMCA Town ( ) Development

Global Depot Plaza @ Center of USMCA Area in USA

Located @ Center of 2 Major Commercial Center on Hwy 69 w/ E.River Intersection

Main     Villas   RVs   Autos   NEVs   Smart-Scooters   Boats   Drones   Equipments   Health   Misc.   Contact-Us

Subject Plaza is a Show Place of Global Products with Online Sales Service in Greater Houston Area


  Houston is located at the Center of USMCA Area which is the Largest Free Trade Area in the World

Cross US Hwy 69 Area is the Most Potential Commercial Area in Greater Houston, Texas

Global Outlet  is located at center of 2 Major Commercial Areas on Hwy 69 in Greater Houston

Following are the Introduction of Global AI Green Outlet Property Introduction

Front View of Subject Development on Cross USA Highway I - 69

Side View of Subject Development on  I - 69 Feeder Rd. (US-59)

Subject Area Street Map




Close View of Cross USA Hwy I-69 Feeder (US 59) & East River Road Intersection


Property Frontage View on Hwy 69 Feeder Road.    


 Property View from South Side of Hwy 69 Feeder Road Underpass 

Ref.  -  18 acres Survey Site Map


Following are some Area Ref. Information:

Subject Property is in both Greater Cleveland Area & East Montgomery Improvement District, It could enjoy the commercial value from both 2 area.

Subject Property is located at South Part of Great Cleveland Area Map 

Subj. Property is located @ North Part of E. Mont. County Improvement District

500,000 sqft. New Commercial Development @ Hwy69  & Houston Loop Hwy59 is only about 8 miles south of us.

Also, for many years, Texas has been ranked as No. in USA for Biz Investment

USA is the Center of USMCA, Texas is the Best State for Biz Investment in USA

Houston is the Best City for Biz Investment in USA




 Greater Houston is the Largest Metropolitan in Southern USA


Ref. Info. of US Cross Country Hwy I - 69 (US Part of Pan America Highway)

I-69 Start from Mexico Boarder going North, ending Canadian Boarder.

It intersect with U.S. Hwy 10 (2460 miles, a Ocean to Ocean Hwy)

& Trans-Canadian Hwy 1 (4,990 miles, the Longest Hwy in the World)


( Drawing Source: )

Among all corridor highways, Interstate Hwy 69  would be the most important one. Besides South to North Cross USA, it intersect with US Highway 10, a Ocean to Ocean Highway and going to Canada, then connect to Canadian Hwy 1 - 7,800 km - the longest highway in the world.

We are developing all our USMCA Park Place's alongside USMCA Super Highway as shown on the map underneath.


( Map Source: )

USMCA Market Place is the largest market Place for most of business in the world. US-Mexico Border Area should be the best location for Manufacturing Business Operation, because of location, Bi-Lingual Language, and cheap labor cost with materials supply from Mexico and Latin America Countries.

Subject Park is Located alongside US Cross Country Highway, I - 69, starting Mexico side to enjoy all low cost resources support as mentioned


Following is the brief introduction of  our USMCA Park with Associated Facilities:

We are only about 10 miles from Grand Texas Theme Park

( Ref. web. )   ¡@

  Pan America Highway is on our Side


Cross USA Interstate Highway 69 is just in front of us. 


Local Commercial Center is only about 6 miles away with all kinds facility for living convenience


Houston International Airport is about 12 miles away


Houston City Center is about 30 miles away


Houston Ocean Port is about 35 miles away


Global Way to Global  Depot Plaza


Associated Facility One - USMCA Park in Down Town Houston, Texas, USA - I. B. Center

Subject Park - International Biz Center  is located at Ideal Location to setup Wholesale Outlet Operation.

Located at Center of International Wholesale Area on Harwin International Biz District, Houston, only about 1 miles from Highway I-69.

Only about 1 mile from China Town which is very convenient for Living Support.

Houston is the largest city with Large International Airport and the Largest Ocean Port in Southern USA, ideal location to develop International Biz.

We have 60,000 sft Building sitting on 3.8 acres City Block Property..

Our Headquarter Building is located at Center of International Wholesale Area.


For more area information, please click on Link  

 International Biz Center.


Associated Facility Two - USMCA Service Park in Mexico - Lintel de Mexico

Subject Park Associated  with low cost Mexican Resources Operation Support.

Located in Reynosa Industrial Park, City of Reynosa, Tamalipas,  Mexico, only about 2 miles from Mexican Custom, which is located @ Southern Terminal of NAFTA Super Highway.

We have 50,000. sft Building to be used as Office, Factory, Warehouse operation, plus 40 m Swimming Pool & Soccer Field ... Resort Facility. 5 more acres land available for future development.


For more information, please click on Link

Lintel de Mexico (since 1990)


In order to support "Made in USA" Policy, we are looking for International Industrial Park as Sister Park to work together to develop International Biz.

Welcome to contact us for further information.


Ref. Information:

Super Hwy 69 (281) after cross US-Mex Borader, go through Reynosa,

then take Mexican Hwy 40 to Monterrey. it will connect to Pan-American Hwy (about 15,000 km) which is the longest highway in the world.¡@



( Map Source : )                                     .

USMCA (Future) Park  is a Division of Sinopac International Corp. (Service in Industry since 1987) --                   .


1. Subject Property is owned by Houston 59N LLC (A Member of Sinopac International Group).

 Tel: 1-713 783 3122 / Fax: 1- 713 780 4626 / Email:

 Company Address : 7400 Harwin Drive, Houston, TX77036

Property Address : East River Road @ Hwy 69 in Splendora, Texas

2. All information are for ref. only, subject to final confirmation with Property Owner.

3. For further information, please contact us. Thank You.